ISBN: 978-3-945939-08-6, 148 pages. Munich 2016, International Research Institute for Gambling and Gaming, St. Augustin, Germany.
A scientific expertise by Prof. Dr. Carlos Blanco, U.S.A.; Prof. Dr. Reiner Clement, Germany; Prof. Dr. Jeffrey L. Derevensky, Canada; Prof. Dr. Anna E. Goudriaan, The Netherlands; Prof. Dr. Mark D. Griffi ths, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. David C. Hodgins, Canada; Dr. Ruth J. van Holst, The Netherlands; Prof. Dr. Marc Liesching, Germany; Dr. Chantal Moersen, Germany; Dr. Sabrina Molinaro, Italy; Dr. Adrian Parke, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz W. Peren, Germany; Dr. Gabriela Perez-Fuentes, Spain.
A central objective of the German gambling law is to ensure the protection of minors and players (§ 1 Sentence 1 No. 3 GlüStV 2012). Since the year 2014 gambling facilities for commercial games of chance in gambling halls and restaurants have been certified by the German Safety Standards Authority [Technischer Überwachungsverein – TÜV]. Certification by government-accredited testing organizations based on internationally validated, interdisciplinary scientific expertise
„Safeguarding the Protection of Minors and Players with Respect to Commercial Gambling in Germany – 2.0©“
is a quality assurance instrument from a regulatory perspective. It is in the interests of, in particular, excellent quality providers to ensure that they are also perceived as providing this level of quality. Certifi cation leads to market separation. In so doing, the advantages of end-to-end certification should be greater than any disadvantages. Analysing the international environment shows that certifi cation initiatives are necessary and have been put in place in other sectors of the gambling industry. The primary aim is quality assurance for a responsible handling of Commercial games of chance offerings (responsible gambling). The presented testing catalogue for commercial gambling can also provide an impetus in the international context and, as appropriate, a set standard.